Yesterday I had a privilege to be a guest speaker at
Pioneers Unplugged in Prague. Here’s what I had to say.
Back in 2007 there was no working cooking school in Prague.
We started in September and within period of 3 months 2 other cooking schools started. Currently there are 12-15 cooking schools in Prague.
Second biggest cooking school has around 4 000 people cooking a year.
Chefparade had 13 000 people cooking last year.
This doesn’t include 10 000 people served from our food-truck
and another 10 000 at Foodparade – our food festival.
My question is simple:
What do you think we did to achieve this that others didn’t?
What separates successful from …let’s say “less successful”?
Do you think we had more money? better equipment or marketing?
Should we think we were smarter?
Do you think we had better recipes and more famous chefs?
Or did we have more passion, goals and discipline?
I am convinced none of above was our advantage.
Our competition had everything we had, they did everything we did.
What than did made a difference?
I am convinced that in most cases the difference between winner and loser is that you are willing to give it more, push harder, stay longer.
There are 7 billion people on this planet.
Thousands of them are having great ideas just like you, they have same information, same technology… same everything …
the only difference is how much are you willing to work hard.
While you sleep till 9 and get to office by 11
there is somebody out-here who works hard since 6am –
so by the time you get to the office you’re half a day behind!
While you’re on Facebook there is somebody out-there who reads inspiring business book
While you’re having your latte at Starbucks gossiping
somebody out-there is discussing ideas
While you party somebody out-there does what? yes, works hard
While you’re on vacation there is somebody who isn’t, why?
because he works hard
While you don’t feel like working today there’s somebody who does …
I believe that this is all there is to it.
I believe it all comes down to working harder than the other guy
(as all other factors are more or less equal nowadays).
So if you should leave today with 1 thing to remember here it is:
Give it all you have because if you don’t – somebody else will.