Best To-Do List Ever

To Do list – as simple as it sounds it is one of greatest productivity tools ever invented. I am lost without my To Do list. If I don’t have it I call it a day and take it easy.
If used correctly it can change your life. Read how:

4 Rules for Best To Do List

i) First and most of all, keep it simple
(Take a clean sheet of paper and write down what needs to be done)

ii) All items on your to-do list must be actionable
(don’t write names of projects you want to work on – write next steps)

iii) Have clear priorities
(start your day with things you need to do, not things you like to do)

iv) Always write it day ahead as last thing you do before leaving for home
Three things will happen

i) you will stop thinking about work at home because your mind knows everything is put on your to-do list and waiting for you at your desk

ii) you will have opportunity every day to stop for 10 minutes and think about your job – what’s done, what needs to done etc

iii) you come to work in the morning and immediately you know what to do)

Couple more things you might want to consider while working on your To Do list


Don’t Let Your To  Do List Kill You

Always choose 3 things on your to-do list that must absolutely be done. In the morning start working on these 3 and then and only then move to other items on your to-do list.

Have separate “parking” list. Write down everything that will come up during the day on parking list and then transfer it to your to-do list for next day. Or don’t – see rules above.

Once you get used to use to-do list on a daily basis (yes, also weekends!) you will realise it had indeed changed your life to more productive and more peaceful.

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